Benchmark » GfxBench2D » AmigaOS » Motherboard: Pegasos II

Motherboard: Pegasos II

Manufactured by: Genesi USA Inc.
(Manufacturer above incorrect? Submit a correction)

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Graphics CardMotherboard/DeviceScreen ModeScore
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@60 (16 bit) 14,830.51
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1920×1080@59 (16 bit) 14,729.14
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@60 (16 bit) 14,561.52
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@60 (16 bit) 14,377.48
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@60 (16 bit) 14,331.27
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@59 (16 bit) 14,113.49
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@60 (16 bit) 13,799.39
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@60 (16 bit) 13,735.32
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@59 (16 bit) 13,092.27
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@60 (16 bit) 13,070.14
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1280×720@60 (16 bit) 10,005.42
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1920×1080@59 (16 bit) 9,566.66
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@59 (16 bit) 8,017.41
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1280×720@60 (16 bit) 7,293.85
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@59 (16 bit) 6,435.12
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1280×720@60 (16 bit) 6,202.02
SiliconMotion 502 Pegasos II 1440×900@59 (16 bit) 5,327.73
Radeon HD 7800 Series Pegasos II 1920×1080@61 (32 bit) 5,259.19
Radeon HD 7800 Series Pegasos II 1920×1080@61 (32 bit) 5,237.82
Radeon HD 7800 Series Pegasos II 1920×1080@61 (32 bit) 5,135.70

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Benchmark » GfxBench2D » AmigaOS » Motherboard: Pegasos II