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Author | Topic:new radeonhd driver.. | 14185 Views |
14 July 2012 at 9:04am Last edited: 31 July 2012 5:03am
Will it work with the new driver, this card ? ( 0.49 ) (using sam460ex)
2 GB of RAM. problem, will you?
thinking of buying this card..
SAM460EX/1.2 ghz+2gb DDR2-800+1gb Radeon 6570 dvi+Sil3512+ 1TB sata2+AmigaOS4.1 upd 6 +HP 23 LED
14 July 2012 at 4:57pm
In theory, any 6xxx card should work. However, since I cannot test every single card in existence, I cannot guarantee that this particular card will work.
At present I have received a few reports of intermittent trouble with Sapphire Radeon HD 6570 models, but others seem to have 6570s that work fine. I personally have a Sapphire Radeon HD 6670 single slot card, which works nicely.
About the 2 GiB VRAM. That isn't a problem. However, currently the driver will only use the first 256 MiB, as that's all that the CPU can see (Picasso96 assumes that the CPU can access all VRAM directly). That is a limitation that I hope to solve at some point in the future.
1 August 2012 at 5:18am
6xxx Cards without VGA output seem to be a problem for me.
The following card will only work using a DVI to VGA adaptor or if the monitor in turnd off until after OS4.1 boots . The computer wont boot with this any other way.
My test witha a HD 6750 resulted in no monitor display after the spalsh screen. Monitor went blank but system booted and I could control the computer via VNC from another machine.
Using a 1280x1024 monitor with this shows that the setting of the monitor resolution at boot is the problem. I could see that there was output but the frequency was all messed.
20 August 2012 at 10:59am Last edited: 20 August 2012 11:05am
On tip for testing a new card. Set the Screen mode prefs to resolution 1024x768 before removing the working card.I thought that a new card, a HD 6770 did not work at all after installing it and getting a black screen. I happened to reboot with a Clean install of Update 5 from a bootable SD card via an external USB reader and got a display at the default 1024x768 screen resolution. I was able to fiddle with the resolution after this and found that it would work at 1440x900 but no higher. Al l the other cards that I have managed to get a display from work at 1920x1080 . Also I use my Monitors speakers for the sound output and the other display modes with this card cause the monitor to go to sleep so no sound on boot up.
5 September 2013 at 1:40pm
Today marks two years since I started using the RadeonHD driver and a PCI to PCIE adapter with my Sam440ep-flex. I am now using a RadeonHD 6670 low profile card and the combination is lovely.
Great Work Hans .
5 September 2013 at 4:05pm
Thanks. It's good to see people using the driver.
5 September 2013 at 5:30pm
With the Radeon HD driver and the Radeon HD6670 the performance for an entry level AmigaNG machine is amazing .
The Sam440ep-Flex is my daytime Office Amiga NG machine so I get to use it for
long periods on work days.
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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » new radeonhd driver..