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Author Topic:Radeonhd drivers and sam 30104 Views
  • Tlosm
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Radeonhd drivers and sam Link to this post

    Hi to everyone I have to make 2 questions.

    First one
    Hi have a sam 440 666 MHz mini itx I buyed from France the interface pci 2 pci express.
    My video board is a 5450hd 2gb ddr3 . I don't know if the card actually working becouse I need to know after pay aeon for the driver how much time is needed for have it.
    I don't know If I will receive from a mail or in digital mode.

    Scecond one is for everyone who try my same solution pci 2 pci express. Is normal have only a blinking cursor on monitor if you you selected the external video bord without the driver?

  • Spectre660
    Community Member
    54 Posts

    Re: Radeonhd drivers and sam Link to this post

    With My Sam-flex and PCIE to PCI Adapter every PCIE card that I have tried (6 models) has displayed UBoot startup up to at least the loading of the kickstart files.But the Flex does not have the onboard graphics like the ITX model .

    The driver is downloaded from a secure location on the A-eon website.
    They Email you the password details for this.

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Radeonhd drivers and sam Link to this post


    Like Spectre660 said, the driver is downloaded directly from A-Eon's website after payment is completed.

    Scecond one is for everyone who try my same solution pci 2 pci express. Is normal have only a blinking cursor on monitor if you you selected the external video bord without the driver?

    That is normal if the on-board Radeon card is used as the primary graphics card. IIRC, UBoot has a setting to choose which graphics card is the primary one. UBoot and AmigaOS will both show on the primary card, while the other one will show a blinking cursor.

    Also, please make sure that you are using the latest version of UBoot on you machine. There were problems with older versions.


  • Tlosm
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Re: Radeonhd drivers and sam Link to this post

    thank you for the post reply
    Yes i recived the radeon hd driver downloaded directly from aeon .
    The uboot of my sam mini itx is the lastest for this model. but the result is the same only a blinking cursor.
    On the M9 the 2d graphix is very fast gfx bench geve me result near 1300,00 workbech become faster and an much reactive but on 3d software have much problems everithing become green and purple.
    Few min ago massimiliano of acube reply to me :
    probably te adaptor don't work to mini itx and 440ep flex (the 33 mhz slots) becouse of this:

    PCI 66 Mhz (M9 on mini itx)-> bridge PCI -> Slot PCI 33 Mhz -> bridge PCI Express -> Slot PCI Express -> GPU

    can be that U-Boot don't / can't make ,right the post start of the gpu (for make the gpu starting the uboot have to make right its x86 emulatror)

    in future probably i hope they will try to fix this.


  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Radeonhd drivers and sam Link to this post


    thank you for the post reply
    Yes i recived the radeon hd driver downloaded directly from aeon .
    The uboot of my sam mini itx is the lastest for this model. but the result is the same only a blinking cursor.

    Did you try changing which card is the primary graphics card in the UBoot menu like I suggested?

    Few min ago massimiliano of acube reply to me :
    probably te adaptor don't work to mini itx and 440ep flex (the 33 mhz slots) becouse of this:

    If you get a flashing cursor on that graphics card, then it isn't having any PCI bridge issues. It means that the card has been initialised by UBoot.

    In order to get the Radeon HD card to work, you have two options:
    - Set it to be the primary graphics card in UBoot, like I said (in which case UBoot will show on that card)
    - Create a PCIGraphics monitor file in DEVS:Monitors, to use it as the secondary card (ACube provide the following example: http://www.acube-systems.biz/download/DualGraphicCardSetup.lha)


  • Tlosm
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Re: Radeonhd drivers and sam Link to this post

    Sorry, I forget to wrote, I set the uboot to intit first pci video card and installed the driver for duble video cards downloaded from the acube website.this I made before start the write in this forum.

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Radeonhd drivers and sam Link to this post


    Ah, okay. On my A1-XE, the video card settings were the wrong way round. Choosing AGP, selected the PCI Radeon HD card, and choosing PCI actually selected the AGP card. It is possible that UBoot on the Sam does something similar. So, it's worth changing that setting to what you think it shouldn't be just to see what happens.

    If that doesn't help, then try the dual-graphics card setup that I mentioned above.


  • Spectre660
    Community Member
    54 Posts

    Re: Radeonhd drivers and sam Link to this post

    I have observed that I could not boot up to the Uboot display with two Graphics cards attached to My Sam440ep-Flex from Uboot 1.3.1b onwards .This was before I was using the Radeon HD driver. I have rolled back my Uboot to this version today to see if I can get two graphics cards to work. Will report if this is the case still or not.

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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » Radeonhd drivers and sam