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Author | Topic:RadeonHD 7750 2Gb DD3 and Sam 460ex | 25098 Views |
25 March 2013 at 7:24am
I have and incompatibility with this card
Sapphire RadeonHD 7750 2gb DDR3 ram
Uboot on the sam 460ex start on it (radeon) i can see the booting and the loading kickstart modules
after this the screen become black and nothing ...
will be wonderful have this card working on my system thanks
6 April 2013 at 8:13pm Last edited: 6 April 2013 8:16pm
Sorry for the late reply, I totally missed this thread.
Anyway, specifically which model are you talking about? What's its SKU#. Sapphire make several Radeon HD 7750s, and just because one works fine doesn't mean that another will too.
Which output have you tested? VGA? DVI/HDMI? Or both? If you haven't tried them all, then it's worth testing the various different outputs, including VGA from the DVI ports with a DVI-VGA adaptor.
Do you have sam460ex_setup installed? If so, then its worth disabling it; if not, then try installing it (and adding it to your startup-sequence). Mozzerfan reported that removing sam460ex_setup solved his intermittent black screen on booting problems ( http://hdrlab.org.nz/forums/amiga-os-projects/show/105?start=16#post554 ).
Unfortunately, there is no way that I can guarantee that all models will work. So, if you cannot get your card to work, then I'll add it to the compatibility list as a card to avoid (once you've given me the full details). You may want to have a look at the compatibility list, and choose a different card. You'll find that list at:
7 April 2013 at 5:09am
Hi hans theaks for your reply,
I never installed the setup program from acube, i have try all the video exit of the video board and check if there was some strange patches on kicklayout, startup sequence and user startup sequence.
i disabled the onchipmem.kmod from acube.
After i decide to use the sil video on board and boot in the system, this was today.
and i open ranger .... the board is showed is an Audio Device there....
ID: bus 0x05 device : 0x00 Function 0x01
class:Base 0x04 sub 0x03 iface: 0x00 (audio device)
Device: 0xAAB0 rev 0x00 (Cape Verde/Pitcaim HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 7700/7800 Series])
Vendor: 0x1002 advance micro device AMD nee ATI
Hader type: Normal (multifuncion)
Cacheline: Size 0 byte
Status Caplist FastDevSeL
Capabilities: BusMaster Intercard
Command: Disconnected
Interrupt line: 0xFF Pin B number 271
Resurce Range
0 0x00000000 0x00000000 16384 Mem
Hope i help the your job hans thanks for what you are doing.
Im thinking to buy another one videoboard ... about of your experience how will be the best choose for fast rendering 2d and 3d and future warp3d compatibility?
7 April 2013 at 4:07pm Last edited: 7 April 2013 11:23pm
Okay, please try installing the sam460ex_setup program, and let me know if that makes a difference.
Also, I really do need the full details of your card, and by that I mean the full card name and SKU# (as requested above). See the compatibility list for examples of the information that I need. I cannot add your card to the list otherwise.
Sadly, there is little that I can do to help you with this card at this time. Figuring out why your card doesn't work is like finding a needle in a haystack with the added complication that you can't see the haystack.
Im thinking to buy another one videoboard ... about of your experience how will be the best choose for fast rendering 2d and 3d and future warp3d compatibility?
The Warp3D driver that is under development will be for the Radeon HD 5xxx-6xxx range (excluding the Radeon HD 69xx series, as those are too different). Exactly which card depends on what you want, but I strongly recommend getting a mid to high-end card such as a Radeon HD 6670. The Radeon HD 6670 is noticeably faster than the 6570, and I have one that fits into a single slot: Sapphire Radeon HD 6670 Low Profile (11192-18-40G).
8 April 2013 at 12:12pm
hi Hans thank for your reply.
Ok My card is
Sapphire Radeon HD 7750 2Gb DDr3 Cape Verde/Pitcaim (Ranger info)
sku: 11202-13-20G
My motherboard is a Sam 460ex 1017ghz. Revison B (the redone)
Uboot boot can see the bios loading and the setting setup ... but after loading the kicklayout modules the monitor goes in stanby and nothing more.
8 April 2013 at 2:28pm Last edited: 8 April 2013 2:41pm
Have you tried setting your sceen mode prefs to 1024x768 with your radeon HD4650 and saving them at this setting then try the HD7750 ?
8 April 2013 at 3:25pm
yes spectre , i change the resolutions , and try all the video exit on the radeon but nothing to do looklike the "vitualized amiga os 4.1 kickstart" crash or dont do the post... i dont know of to explain...
I know there are too much variables , can be incompatibility with motherboard, with sam x86 emulator , with the radeon.chip too much variables...
hope this can help hans do optimized his job for the future guys who will buy my same videoboard .
I today ordered the hd 6670 low profile just because warp3d will be compatible with this videoboard and not whit 7750 ...
8 April 2013 at 3:53pm Last edited: 8 April 2013 3:55pm
I asked because I have only had two cards out of about 10 that did not show any Uboot with any output option or work at all on the Sam460ex. One of these two would show Uboot on a Sam440ep-flex but only work if workbench was 1440x900 or less. A third card works ok on the Sam640ex but would only show workbench on the Sam440ep-flex using a vga to dvi converter or if the monitor was powered off during AmigOS 4.1 boot and then turned back on after the boot jingle was heard. none of these were 7000 series cards though.
The 6670 is a good choice for the Sam460ex The composite score on the 2d benchmarks are very good and I could feel a speed difference when I turned back on my Sam46ex after installing one for the first time. My OEM (HP) HD6670 model is quirky with the Uboot display. Uboot will only display on VGA output.I have both VGA and HDMI connected to the Monitor . Looks like it uses VGA output for Uboot and then switches to HDMI when Workbench loads.On My Sam440ep-Flex dvi output works perfectly with the same card showing Uboot and Workbench.
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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » RadeonHD 7750 2Gb DD3 and Sam 460ex